Loons and More - Kamloops, B.C. - Canada
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to photograph Common Loons, with chicks, at close range, as well as many other species that nest in the area. In an intimate small group setting you can expect to learn the techniques Greg and Alan use to capture captivating images of these birds.
June 12–16; 17–21
Features & Information
More than ample opportunities to photograph loons and great attention to lighting and backgrounds by Greg and Alan when maneuvering the boats into position. I didn't expect the opportunities to photograph the snipe, Virginia Rail, or sora—3 notoriously difficult birds to see. Amazing! The flicker was also a treat. Surprisingly, I enjoyed shooting in waders most of all! Plus, it's something I may be able to put into practice at home. And Ruddy Ducks, wow!